
Saturday 22 December 2007

Christmas message!

Although almost all my cards are different from each other, the message is always the same. This is what I have put in each of my Christmas cards this year. It is Penny Black stamp (World Peace) and I think that resumes perfect my wishes for everyone.
Happy Christmas from Spain!

Wednesday 12 December 2007

This years Christmas cards

Right, I am enjoying myself making loads of cards. The number of cards that I sent every year seems to grow, but that makes me happy.
None of the cards is too complicated or time consuming, as I am a quick and easy kind of person as you well know by now, but that doesn't mean that I don't think about them on how to make them more pretty. I always tend to choose a few products and they give the colour theme for the cards. I never make more than ten similar, as I want to enjoy the process more than finishing them in time. I might post full pictures of the cards later on or maybe next year, who knows... but not until I have send them.

This last few months have been so busy that I just realized I haven't done any scrapbooking for a long time. So busy that I had to cancel today's scrapbooking session (a very small crop) at my house. It felt bad, but honestly, I couldn't do anything but concentrate on my work.

Sunday 9 December 2007

The Craft Co

Today I demonstrated at The Craft co, Worplesdon, Surrey. It is a lovely shop that is closing down its B&M shop but it is going to be an internet + events shop.
I demosntrated my two favorite machines at the moment the Expressions and the Bind it all. And one of the things I did was this little Christmas tree out of different sized snowflakes. Now, I wish it was my own original idea but is not. It is based on this tree ornament by someone at Better Homes and Gardens (by someone I mean that they don not acknowledge who designed it). as I don't have a Christmas tree this year (we will be soon off to Spain for the festivities) I decided I wanted it to be more of decoration in itself that stands alone, maybe as a centre piece. My original one is actually deep red, poinsettia type of red, just so it's different, but I did this one today and went for slightly more traditional one, at least snowflakes are sort of white!
The card beside it is a diorama card using the Christmas Cheer cartridge. By the way, the tree has a lovely glittery finish, that my mobile camera doesn't quite capture.

Friday 7 December 2007



My own designs produced by Craftwork Cards, one of the best craft companies in the UK.
they are two sets of die cut shapes (6 in each A5) that right now are printed in black but there are many possible coulours! Also Sue (Craftwork Cards owner) made this clear stamps with the images, so loads more possibilities coming up!
I am going to start using them today while I prepare my next lot of Recipe Cards by Craftwork cards, of course!

Monday 3 December 2007

Not much time to spare

Saturday 1st of December, I got my first Christmas card, from a very dear and generous friend of mine. That reminds me that I really need to start making mine!
Also I spent the weekend trying different things with Photoshop, I guess I need to practice more but I don't have much extra time, as I had to prepare for tomorrows class at The Art of Craft and do an article for Quick and Crafty.
By the way, this card is from last year, of course. Using some of my favorite dies from Quickutz, available from Crafts U love.