This is what I was working on, my website. I love my blog, but I thought I also needed a proper website, so Thursday I called my father who is brilliant for things like that and he gave me some pointers. Omar helped me to upload it. But the website design is all mine. I feel that for once I have accomplished something.
There are many sections that need revising and design wise there are a few problems. I will be trying to fix them next week.
In other news, lets enjoy that Contador has won his third Tour de France.
It is an excellent website, Paula. I hope it will bring you even more business and a lot of pleasure writing for it!
ooohh! this is an exciting development Paula!
looking forward to what goes on here..
Clever you Paula, you are doing a great job with this!! I know its not easy getting things to do what you want them to do is it?
I am cheating and getting Happy to Design a Blog Shop for me. She Designed my Blog page, which I love.
I order my stock through Personal Impressions:) Me thinks when my Blog Shop is up and running I maybe looking to stock my Blog Friend Paulas Gorgeous goodies:)
I will also show you off at my Craft Markets:)
I want to do as much British (ummm?? Spanish?) craft as i can:)
Michelle x
Love the Wasabi top tips!
** Kate **
Hi Paula
Your website looks lovely, just had a good nose around!!
Best of luck with it.
Congratulations on your new website!
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