Monday, 7 November 2005

Thank you

I had quite a nice signing a few books for friends and fellow crafters at Creative Pastimes (Surrey). But the best bit was when I received some flowers that had been sent in by Su Naylor and Angela Heath, two good friends who I met through crafting. And the most moving bit was that they were actually there, but they chose to order the flowers to be delivered, which was one of my dreams. Silly dream to hope for, I know, but still made me cry when I received them.
Su and Angela, thanks once again.

Sunday, 6 November 2005

And here there are the flowers on the right and myself signing a book. The lighting was bad for photography, this is the best photo I got.

Saturday, 5 November 2005

Book signing

Today I am going to Creative Pastimes (the shop where I work) to do my first signing session. I am excited but also nerveous: what if the people don't like it?
I suppose everyone who has been in the same situation has thought the same. I'll try later to post a picture.

Thursday, 3 November 2005

Quick and Crafty

Today I received my copy of this month Quick and Crafty. And although I do publish articles there, I think I am objective to say that is one of the best craft magazines in the UK at the moment. The design is good, the photography is brilliant, there are always nice and different projects, and Julie Hickey always has an article. Other contributors I love there are Sarah Beaman and her sister Emma, Jane Gill and Melanie hendrick, each with a very different style.
This month I have an article about snowflakes: punched, stamped, embossed.
From the magazines I don't contribute, my favorite at the moment is Scrapbook inspirations. The design team is soooooo talented and I like that each of the girls has a very different style.
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