Monday, 25 July 2011

I know it's been a while, but you know having a full time job (which does involve doing some blogging) and trying to manage Crafty Storage blog, it leaves me with not much blogging energies. From now on I will be posting a project a week over at the Sizzix Uk blog - here - on Mondays afternoon.

So pop over there for some die cutting inspiration and tutorials.
In the meantime I will leave you with a card I did a while ago for Crafts Beautiful.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Happy Canada Day!

So it happens that today is Canada day, so to my brother and sister in law, pictured above, and to every canadian out there -yes, Omar that include you- Happy Canada Day! 
Don't forget to watch the Sizzix show with Fiona today at 2pm and 8pm on QVC.
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