Saturday, 28 February 2015

Big Shot Masterclass en 100 x 100 Manualidades Barcelona

Me hace un montón de ilusión anunciar este taller:

Big Shot Masterclass
en 100 x 100 Manualidades  (Barcelona)
Gran Vía Carlos III, nº 65 Tienda 1, 08028 Barcelona

21 de marzo 2015

Sera un taller de tres horas en que elaboraremos esta pieza de Home Decor.
Cada corazón esta hecho de una manera distinta!
Contiene mas de 18 técnicas usando la Big Shot y con mas de 16 materiales distintos. 

Sera una maratón de la Big Shot! Por eso las plazas son mas limitadas de lo normal. 

Para apuntarte,  llama al 934 119 684 o manda un email:

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Taller en Lady Mua 14 de Marzo

Este es el proyecto que haremos en el Taller en Lady Mua 14 de Marzo!

Ausiàs March 15
Palma De Mallorca, Spain
+34 971 90 29 78

Es un 4 x 4" con un montón de paginas y opciones. Caben unas 33 fotos y como siempre hay muchas técnicas de troquelar usando la Big Shot.

Como siempre recomiendo traer tus propias herramientas:
  1. Base de corte
  2. Trimmer o Guillotina 
  3. Lapiz
  4. Goma
  5. Regla
  6. Plegadora
  7. Base para plegar si se tiene
  8. Pegamento cola blanca
  9. Celo de doble cara

Que ganas!

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Talleres! Palma y Barcelona!

Un breve anuncio:

Ya tenemos las fechas confirmadas para mis proximos talleres en España

  • Lady MuaPalma (Mallorca)

    14 de marzo, sábado

  • Mini album (mañana) de 4" pulgadas 

  • Big Shot Masterclass (mañana) crearemos una pieza de Home decor para colgar en casa y recordar un montón de técnicas de la Big Shot.
  • Mini Album (tarde) de 4" pulgadas con nueva estructura.

Como siempre, estoy super ilusionada!

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Stitches 2015! Picture Heavy post!

You can read about the 20112013 and 2014 edition of Stitches the craft trade show, herehere and here respectively. Or 20072008, 2009.

As last year, I wasn't demonstrating this year so it was a perfect opportunity to see friends and walk the show properly.

First stand of course was Sizzix. To see all the wonderful samples and lovely friends.

Of course, one of them is Pete Hughes, who needs no introduction in this blog. We decided that he is my craft twin brother since we were born the same day - Christmas day - though different years! The sample on the right I already seen in it in Paperworld, but it is still striking nonetheless.

Love me some paper flowers! Done all by Debi Potter using Sizzix dies. On the right, Angela Southey. She is my craft mum. Love her! Such a beautiful soul. And what she cant do with a sewing machine isnt worth doing.

Second stand, Paperartsy. Love them all too. Such a great company based in the UK. very passionate about what they do. And their products, I love!

Among their new launches, Emma Godfrey's new collection of stamps and stencils. I have known Emma for a few years, and she is lovely and so talented! I just love her gentle easy going nature that translates into beautiful fresh projects.

I also met the wonderful Darcy Wilkinson. Darcy has a line of stamps and makes wonderful crazy projects. I loved meeting her! Such a lovely personality.

Lin Brown is one of my long time craft heroes. She is one of those who truly inspires me every single time. (Apologies for the bad photo, Lin!) One of my top favourite launches this year are her limited edition of Fresco paints. Lush!

And I love the new calendar sets and paints. (I not so secretly want them all!)
(I missed taking a good photo of another of the lovelies at Paperarsty Jo Firth Young. Her stuff is gorgeous too!)

After that, making my way to the right, I moved on to see my dear friend Lindsay at Personal Impressions. Every time I passed by she was so busy! Everyone looking at what Lindsay was doing.

Then, on to DecoArt. Mark Gould and Andy Skinner. Lovely guys though Andy is as mad as a frog. Great fun and always a good laugh. Again, DecoArt products are superb. I specially liked their Glass Chalk paint and the So Soft ones.

Finnabair was demonstrating as well, as was Marion Emberson at Wow embossing powders.

Marion is another of my dear crafty friends, and I love her style. As I do Tania's too who made this wonderful frame using the embossing powders and a certain butterfly die designed by yours truly.

Another booth I always love is The Hobby House, absolutely gorgeous! And I was very impressed with the new Spectrum Aqua markers.

I also had the pleasure to spend some time with one of my closest friends, Julie Hickey, a true craft miracle worker (there are about a handful in the industry). While she was getting an award at Aceville Publications, I grabbed a copy of the latest issue of Papercrafter, a project and my face on the cover! There is an interview to me as well in there. 

On Monday, I walked part of the show with two crafters that also need no introduction: Mel Heaton and the amazing Leonie Pujol.

Leonie is another of those craft friends that I don't get to see often, but when I do, its like time hasn't passed by. On the right, Michelle Ann Johnson from Stix2, my favourite adhesive company.

I love Pan Pastels, so their pearlescent new colours are on my wishlist as was that Stash and Store drawer, very interesting.

And two other dear friends Jane Gill who was as usual demonstrating for Woodware her new stamps and Marion bellow.

After two days, I was ready to head home, exhausted but with a great big smile on my face!

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

A Finnabair workshop

The last few days it has taken place at the NEC, Birmingham UK, the Craft and Hobby Stitch show, the craft trade show.

The day before there was a Trade event that consisted in a training day with Finnabair teaching all about her products for Prima.

I have been meaning to go to one of her events for years, but never managed to get a place and/or being able to attend. When I knew I could go, I was so happy!

I have admired her for a while since she was a Sizzix blogger. Her style has been copied many times but she still is the queen of it!

This is the journal I did. I liked it best half way down the process, so I know now how to do it.

Finnabair is a good teacher! And I had beside me, my really lovely friend, Diana from 100x100 Manualidades where I have taught last year and I am going back in a few weeks! Cant wait! Poor Diana, she must have been exhausted by me, as I got so excited about being in a Finnabair workshop.

And I fell in love with the Prima Color Bloom. I always do when I see pretty colours.

It was great to be on the other side of the teaching table, experimenting and trying different things. I am a firm believer that we have to keep training, learning, experimenting and investing in our education. We never know everything and it is so refreshing to see and try something outside our comfort zones. 
I am already thinking of ways to incorporate what I learnt into projects that have my signature style.

Such a fun day! Thank you Finnabair! 

Friday, 13 February 2015

My Valentine's card

Simple really. Using three dies all from Mr. Tim Holtz for Sizzix:

I die cut first the Mixed Media intricate pattern on the top. I LOVE this set, so many things we can do with it.

I then glued the heart.
For the golden letters, I did the same technique for a card for Sizzix a few weeks ago. Full tutorial here.

For the inside, I had only a small piece of that pattern, but it had a die cut already in the bottom left corner, so I used a left over heart from when I die cut the one on the front.

I like the industrial feel of the thin chipboard but the delicate nature of die cuts. Contrast. Love that!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Paperworld goodies

As I didn't really walk the show I did not really get many samples.

However, I did get a few that I know I LOVE and USE!

A brand new Speedball roller.  My other three are a bit battered but still working great!


A 12 x 14" Gelli plate!

All of which will come in handy to do things like this:

Playing with acrylics and die cuts.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Paperworld Part 2

So part 2, friends and artists galore!

These two need no introductions. Tim Holtz was his usual extraordinary teacher and demonstrator (I still think he is the best in the whole craft industry) and Dyan Reaveley of Ranger Dylusions. I always feel energised and inspired by her demos.

Pete was demonstrating for one of Sizzix distributors, Artemio, as was Debi Potter for CraftEmotions (which had some of my Sizzix dies on the wall, made me really happy!).

I also met two very important people from Sizzix USA. Jen Long, the die designer, and Kevin the actual inventor/engineer of the Big Shot! I literally didn't stop asking him questions about the machines and the scientific reasons why certain things work or didn't. It was brilliant! No photo though, I kicked myself very hard when I realised I didn't take any with them.

I adore Teresa Collins, she is truly inspiring! And Karola Witczak! Again talent and beauty!

I also met the beautiful  and talented mixed media artists that are Birgit Koopsen and Marsha Valk, But I didnt take any photos with my phone! URhh Love their work and it was the first that I met them. 

Diana from 100x100 Manualidades came by to look at the amazing samples and to  say hello to Elena and myself as well. 
I am teaching at her shop in March, looking forward to it!

And the fun and gorgeous Baerbel Born (She is much prettier in real life!). With Pete Hughes of course.

And the Sizzix creative girls, Elena Roche, myself, Katie Skilton and Debi Potter. A quiet dinner but oh so nice.

I didn't really walk the show except for a quick look round during my lunch hour or getting coffees for the team, so I don't really have other pictures to share, but it was a fabulous show!

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Paperworld 2015! Part 1

Just one thing, its picture heavy! And unfortunately are all mobile photos so not great!

For this year at Creativeworld (part of the massive fair that is Paperworld in Messe Frankfurt) I was asked by Sizzix to work at their stand. As you know, I love Sizzix and anytime I can demo and work with their team I am in!

The stand was absolutely gorgeous, with two distinctive sides.

Pete Hughes was the creator of all the samples in one part, the section with all the different collections. He is also the designer of the Elegance collection of dies. Tim Holtz also came in to check in the booth and he kindly posed in front of his collection.

Pete created some stunning samples with Tim Holtz dies - which are so amazing! ...

... with Craft Asylum dies as well as Echo Park and felt! (love the potential of those Bigz Echo Park dies)

Pete can do wonder with Sizzix dies: pretty, Home Decor, layouts, mix media...

And everything in between. It aint fair that Pete is so talented. If he wasn't super nice as well, I would hate him! To be honest though, the Sizzix dies this year are so beautiful!

The other area was beautiful. Debi Potter put it all together and made all the samples with Sizzix dies. Her work is so stylish!

There were two make and take tables each with their own project. Elena Roche from Pega, Papel o tijeras taught a box made with the new Big Shot plus. Katie Skilton a felt brooch.

I was so excited to get my hands on a Big Shot Plus, the new machine from Sizzix. After four days demonstrating it, I am in love!
(Photo by Elena Roche)

The make and take tables were so busy!

Craft Asylum had its own section within the stand. I love their new dies! perfect for cardmaking!

Tomorrow more!

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