Sunday, 30 March 2008

Die Cut paper

I absolute love the craze of die cut paper, from the KI memories ones to the Creative Memories they are all beautiful and I don't seem to stop buying them! The above card was made with Making Memories paper and embellishments. The blank is Craftwork Cards as well as the foiled saying.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Free prize draw

There is a fabulous free prize draw that Craftwork Cards are holding on the website,

You simply need to register with them and you will automatically be entered into a prize draw for your chance to win £750 worth of crafting goodies, which includes a Cricut Expression die cutting machine worth £369! Prize draw runs until 31st March 2008 with the winner drawn on 1st April 2008.

All Card Club Members and free members will be automatically entered into the prize draw and dont need to register again.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Some other LA stories

For those who have never been to Los Angeles, let me tell you that is a massive, massive city but not in the European way, as it doesn't have a proper city center, rather than loads of different nucleus, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Downtown, Santa Monica... As it is non pedestrian city, you need the car for almost every single thing so parking is difficult in LA, now I understand the great service that is valet parking, a little bit pricey though!

I got to go with my friend to her office, which is at her bosses house, a very nice one in Hollywood Hills. The office was full of movies and by full I mean to the roof. But the great part of it was to see screenplays (new and classic ones) and other film related stuff, like the above.

One of the aspects of LA that caught my attention was the amazingly beautiful light. I guess it makes sense as that is why it became the city where movies were filmed. I loved that light, specially because how the photos came out. So a perfect opportunity to take loads of random shots like the one above, as it was a great chance to play and learn with the D80.

Since I have got the new camera, I am turning into a freak of self portraits. But this one has an excuse. That is Chateau Marmont's toilet, where I saw Sienna Miller, Rhys Ifans and Brittany Murphy. Well, I didn't see them in the toilet, but in the lovely courtyard of the hotel. I didn't want to take pictures inside of the main public areas or we feared we might had gotten ourselves into trouble. We did go to other star spotting places like The Ivy of or Hotel Rooselvelt, but the Chateau was my favorite, food was great and the place is quite special, well, at least for American standards.

The Ivy was all right food wise and service, but definitely the place to go to see celebrities who want to be seen and also is the place to see the paparazzi at work, a proper LA experience. Hotel Rooselvelt attracts a younger crowd around the pool, and mostly are people who are there to show off their perfect bodies. Another funny thing about LA is that you see loads of familiar faces that you can't name, maybe extras or minor TV actors.

This is one of my favorite photos of the whole trip. Sephira and I taken while we were having dinner at Santa Monica's Beach. That is my favorite area of LA, at least it is the most normal one, the beach is beautiful and the shops are very pretty. And has one of the best patisseries I have ever been, Jin's patisserie.

Monday, 10 March 2008

Thank you very much

... for the lovely comments on my new haircut.

I don't really like to fiddle with Photoshop , iPhoto has some easy actions that are quite fun and atmospheric. This is San Francisco.

Another day more stories and photos.

Friday, 7 March 2008

More LA shots

Today we watched the most beautiful sunset, in Santa Monica Beach, and the above photo is proof of that.

And we did loads of snapshots! Here you can see the beautiful Sephira (my friend).
Also, we went to the opening of a photography exhibition hosted by Jada Pinket Smith. She is tiny and she copied my hairstyle!
Thanks for all the comments on my new hair. Unfortunately is not always going to look that glamorous perfect straight hair.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Star spotting and other LA enterteiment

Today my friend Sephira took me to her hair stylist, and that is the result.
By the way, Sienna Miller and Rhys Ifans look really cute together and Brittany Murphy wears tons of make up, lip silicone and high hills. And the food at Chateau Marmount is quite decent!

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Posting from LA

I am such a bad blogger! But truth be told, I am on holiday in the sunny California, so there is not much chance of me updating my blog.
I hope that next week, when I am back in England, I will be able to do a proper entry with photos and all!
By the way, Omar and I were in San Francisco last week, and this one I am visiting a very good friend in LA. I have gone to the three Paper Source locations in the Bay area and the one in Beverly Hills, there is nothing that keeps me away from paper!
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