Friday, 17 August 2007

Mallorca is beautiful

This is my parents swimming pool. Nice.
Every time I go back I have the same feeling. Mallorca is beautiful, but it is not for me. Too hot and humid.

My visit was short planned and very quick, just to see the family and because of that I couldn't see my old university friends, which I miss terribly. But I guess that is life.

I am tireeeed. Thursday (I arrived from Mallorca the night before at 2:30 am!) I had to finish off an article and send it, Friday I met with the fabulous Julie Hickey, her mum and friends for a fun crafty day, and yesterday, Saturday, I taught at the Glitter Pot for the first time. I had a lovely time, but a full class and doing 5 cards in 2 hours both morning and afternoon, is tiring.

And for now that is it. A few things that I need to do this week and then Canada awaits, where we will spend our two weeks of Holiday in my in-laws house, Toronto. (I am already dreaming of all the cheap stash I will be able to buy, but don't tell my husband!)

Ah, and this photo bellow is the view from my old bedroom in my parents house. As my parents rebuilt the house my sister and I were given the choice of big window+ big table or a balcony. Duh! Of course I took the balcony offer and spent many, many, many happy hours looking out and counting the stars from it. The views are just beautiful, no sea, but the most beautiful green valley, village on the top of a hill and as backdrop a gorgeous chain of mountains (highest peak around the 1,500 metres, sorry no feet measurements in my brain) known as the Serra de Tramuntana.

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Anam_Kihaku said...

those are beautiful photos. enjoy canada :) pity you are not coming closer to me...

Momiji said...

wow..lovely photos! I know what you mean about heat though as I don't do heat either!
I know the craft stuff is great where you are going and you will get yet more inspiration( not that you need it!)
have fun!!

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