Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Some scrapping

Sometimes when I have nothing to do, I have no ideas or no imagination to do anything, yet when I a am busy with loads of works, I have this urge to do other stuff like scrapping.

Now I am immerse into the process of making my third book (the second one it's already finish!). Next week the photographer will come and do the firsts step by steps which means that between now and then I have to have everything set for that purpose, but it should be all right.

One of the past days, missing my better half I was inspired to do this really simple layout using Basic Grey's Arcaic collection. I was going for a title, then I thought: all the layouts of Omar have OMAR written over them, it is just silly! That is to show that there aren't really any rules in scrapbooking and if something works for you, what should you care if anybody else likes it or thinks that it needs something?

By the way, on the back I have written all the info, even some emotional stuff. Some may wonder why I have put it somewhere hidden. For me, when I was making this layout I was just happy designing it, which meant that the visual aspect was more important than the emotional one. As I, for one, do not like how the words sound when I journal, never feel confident on displaying my journaling and hence my hidden journaling specialty. If the writing is hidden, I feel more free to enjoy the process and after all that is what scrapbook as a hobby is all about.


Jenny said...

I love the simplicity of this layout Paula. And the BasicGrey papers!

Tolo Oliver said...

Hola Paula, soy Tolo, el marido de Trini de Inca, espero que te acuerdes de nosotros tanto como nosotros nos acordamos de ti, el otro día fuimos a la inauguración de la expo de tu padre de la gente que ha pasado por el taller y me quede admirado ante una pieza tuya, hablando con tu padre me conto lo que hacias lo importante que eras en inglaterra conl amovida del las tarjetas, que tenias un libro, que dabas clases... cosas de padre, ya te contare cosas de mis 2 hijos, Alba y Tomeu... te dejo mi mail y la dirección de mi blog, si tienes un minuto seria una pasada recibir información tuyas, saludos y besos desde inca

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