Friday, 25 July 2008

6 years on

Last Saturday Omar and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and in our true fashion we didn't do or get anything to celabrate. Really, it is not a conscious decission, it just happens that we always forget to plan something special.
I did, however make a card and as i didn't have (or could not find) any happy anniversary greeting I opted for an old KI Memories Mr & Mrs word fetti (I know that wordfetti are made by Making memories, but I forgot what the ones by Ki are called). Also I decorated the inside with several quotes referring to married life and love from the same KI Memories product. They are brilliant, although I bought them long time ago I keep using them.

By the way, tomorrow I will be demonstrating at Crafts U Love. Helen Meighan -if you like punches and/or peel offs, you will adore her work-, Stamping Caz -the queen of colouring- plus Kim Fee and Wendy Horrod. For more details, click here.

1 comment:

Fab said...

Gorgeous card Paula ! I like the wave effect on those strips...fresh and modern. TFS X Fab

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