Saturday, 5 September 2009


Today and tomorrow I will be demonstrating at the Glitter Pot Die cutting, Sizzix products, along with a long list of demonstrators.
That means that i had to wake up at seven. Seven? That is super early in my books!!!!

I like routines, I actually like them a lot, almost need them otherwise I am completely unproductive. But, the job of a freelancer is anything but routine. From week to week everything is different, and I still find that hard. I have been trying to establish myself some kind of timetable, yet I always fail to maintain it. I am trying as well to post daily in the blog, but often I run out of things to say as my life is pretty boring, which I am totally fine with it.

Usually, I spent my mornings -not very long ones as i wake up pretty late- on the computer, checking emails, answering them, doing invoices or chasing payments, writing the instructions for articles... that sort of boring but essential stuff.
After a light and late lunch, I head to my studio. You see, there is no point of me going to studio before 4 pm unless I have something super urgent, I am totally uncreative in the mornings, so heading to studio before then is a waste of time. I can stay up creating until late, and by late I mean ten or eleven pm, sometimes is even past midnight. As my husband comes back from work pretty late every day, I usually have dinner late too. Rare is the day in which we go to bed at midnight, usually we go at around one or two. That sort of weird hours is what works for us right now.

And, as a post without a photo would be boring, here you have this one.

I used, like in this case, three wraps from Craftwork Cards and then this Hero Arts stamp, green ink and Crystal Embossing powder, and of course one of my Incircles -from Craftwork Cards too!.


Fab said...

Paula were we separated at birth ? I can't mornings, I tend to go to bed at 2am and sometimes not at all burning the proverbial oil. And so true about not being creative...I'm fine late afternoons at night but can't create anything before 3pm. I haven't visited any blogs in yonks so I thought I would do the 'crafter's trinity' today: You, Dawn and Leonie ! LOL

I wish I was able to come to one of your workshops and have fun ! (hopefully we wouldn't chat too much)

Gorgeous cards, I've been scrolling down your stunning creations and made mentals notes so I hope I can scraplift some of your ideas !

Muchos besos - baciotti


Sandra said...

Paula, you are so funny. I craft at weird hours, often very late into the night.... or morning. I have been known to drag myself off to bed at 4:30am as I know my kiddies will be dragging me back out again at 6:30am
Sandra x

jayne said...

i love the card and i too have crafted at weird hours :D

Momiji said...

always feel at my most creative late at night and just have to do it! have been known to plan ideas in the night if I can't sleep!

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