Saturday 12 September 2015

At the Craft Channel Launch

Last Thursday I attended the Craft Channel launch event for magazine editors, bloggers and designers.

Invited by the lovely Dawn Bibby who is going to be one of the main presenters and craft expert.  Very much the masterminds behind the channel, Julian Ballantyne and Debbie Greenwood did speak very eloquently at the launch about the exciting new possibilities for the channel.

It was so nice to see Dawn. We have been very much in contact the last few years but seen each other rarely as we live quite far apart.
I have to say that Dawn looked very excited and happy!

Goodie bags were given out with lovely things inside.

And Paul Wayne Gregory was there demonstrating how easy it is to hand finish truffles with his homemade kits soon available from The Craft Channel. They are as delicious as they look!

One of the things that has made me very excited about this channel previous to the event was this video showing Becky make a amazing quilled version of the Craft Channel logo. Well, it is as beautiful in real life!

The detail is incredible!

And there she is Becky Seddon at the studio ready to film a show full of gorgeous woodlands creatures designed by her.

Some of the guests recorded a little VT. Of course I volunteer without thinking! Somehow I don't think they will use my piece!
After the launch event, I stayed a bit longer in the company of Dawn, Wendy Rhodes and Becky and made a couple of cards with the new products from Dawn (left) and Becky (right).

The studios look so nice! Amazing quality.

And looked who I found filming! The uber talent that is Andy Skinner. Can't wait to watch him!

If you are wondering how to watch The Craft Channel, well here you have some options. I will be tuning in online (as I watch all my telly) at this Monday 14th of September at 8am!

Dawn, Julian and the whole team, I wish you all the very best!

1 comment:

Linda Simpson said...

Fabulous blog post Paula, thank you for sharing. I missed the event as I am on holiday. I am so looking forward to being part of this new venture too.
Linda xxx

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