Tuesday, 29 May 2007


So today I spent my day at QVC. The reason: very simple indeed, Lisa Bearnson was there introducing the TSV of the day, an amazing cardmaking kit. (The official reason was that I helped Leonie to set up a few demos and made some more samples.)
For those who scrapbook Lisa needs no introduction. For those who do, well she is HUGE as in stardom huge (she is very thin!!!) in the papercrafting industry: she founded Creating Keepsakes, the best USA scrapbooking magazine.
I am so impress with her she was really friendly and chatty even though she was tired (jet lag, TSV and all). I am actually impress with all this papercraft celebrities (Dawn Bibby and Julie Hickey in the UK are two that come to mind), they are a really nice bunch of people. I love to work beside them, I learn so much from their experience and caracter.
I couldn't resist asking Leonie to take a photo of Lisa and myself! (For the record, Lisa Bearnson is really tall, I am only 1,52m she had to bend her knees quite a lot to be in the same photo as me.)

And could not go without one of Dawn and myself. She is one of a kind!

Leonie, Dawn and myself. As always such a pleasure to work with Leonie. She makes the days brighter and lighter.

(I have one more photo of Dawn and JJ which I'll post later on.)

1 comment:

Anam_Kihaku said...

great photos - layouts calling i think :)

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