Saturday, 20 October 2007

One of my favorites

This layout is indeed one of my favorites, not so much for its theme but for how it came out. The Basic Grey paper is the exact shade of blue as was my dress for my sisters wedding and the unusual edge is just funky (at least in my books!).
This week has been really hectic. Monday: designing some cards for an article; Tuesday: down to The Glitter Pot (Scaynes Hill) and Tresure Crafts (Burgess Hill) with my friend Sarah to pick up some stuff I needed for my future classes there (see right for details); Wednesday: QVC, TSV from noon till 1:30 in the morning!; Thursday: Scrap session at my house with a new addition to the club (no, it's not Wasabi); Friday: preparing for today's demo and another article; Saturday (today): demo at The Paper Mill Shop (Ashford).
Right now: really tired but happy.

QVC was a bit tiring but it was lovely to work beside Leonie, Carly and, of course, Dawn. Met Nacy Hill owner of Die Cuts With a View, who had an hour, she got crossed with me because I took one black 12x12" from her stash! But she had loads, so she then soon forgot all about it. If anyone saw the bit when I got in front of the cameras, please understand that comment from Dawn is truly not shared by me! (I know I am NOT the best scrapbooker in Surrey, so hardly I am going to be in the world!) However, it was sweet of her to say that.

Today, I was at the Paper Mill and Lousette Ashton, who really is one of the best scrapbookers in the world pop in. She is such a nice lady! And also very nice was that Richard, the shop's owner (I think) who gave me an A4 fox full of my choice cardstock as a thank you for the demo gift. Really nice and totally unexpected.

I have realized this last few days how lucky I am, I mean I work really hard, but all my big breaks, if one could call them big, have arrived without me looking for them. When I do, I never get them. I guess my lesson for this week is: do my job as better I can, never say no to craft jobs and not have high expectations, good things will come!

Ah, and by the way, the RAK for Charity keeps going on. I have a couple more coffee tins available and thanks to Sarah, Jan and Linda we have already £39 in the tin, which added to the first donations means that we have raised over a hundred pounds!


Momiji said...

love the layout and the choice of color..very stylish!....
gosh , you have had a busy week..
I have done quite a bit of crafting too this week..a little Japanese wall hanging and various cards...

Sam Currie said...

oohh I love this Paula, the blue is just stunning Sam x

simplyfairies said...

Stunning Paula simply stunning....

Wow you have been a busy bee, missed the QVC I somehow always miss that....

Susan said...

Gorgeous LO, very elegant and funky at the same time.

Anna said...

Paula, this is a beautiful LO.

I saw you on TV on craft day. DB's compliment to you is truly deserved.

Anam_Kihaku said...

WOW!!! love your work - it rocks my world.

Saffa said...

Busy Busy woman?

Glad its all going well though!

I love this LO Paula...may have to lift it at some point! Very beautiful...

Anna said...

Paula, I have nominated you for a little award. The details are on my blog if you are interested.

Keep up the great work.

Lousette said...

I have seen this page IRL and it is utterly stunning.

It was great to see you at the shop, such a nice surprise :). You know how much I love your work, and you wholeheartedly deserve every single break that you have had in the craft world. Keep it up.

Looking forward to your new book! I will be first in the row for a signed copy.

Sarah said...

Paula you are so humble! All of your work is lovely - along with Lousette's I totally agree. You deserve all your breaks hun!

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