Wednesday, 21 November 2007

QVC and Stampin UP

Yep, quite a combo. As I always mentioned how tired I am, I am not going to say it today. But you can imagine the effects of spending over 12 hours at QVC.
If you watched the 20:00 hour, you just might had catch me completely off guard and hiding afterwards under the table. Not that I am shy or anything like that, just really not prepared. Working alongside Dawn and Leonie is such a good experience, I always learn something new from both of them and my admiration towards both of them just keeps growing. It is quite simple, really: they know what they are doing, and trust me working as they do is NOT easy at all. It is just not about making beautiful cards, it is about being able to create cards in a few minutes, changing constantly techniques and/or styles. Plus, Dawn has to arrange so much in the business side that it is just unbelievable. Also, Leonie and I chatted about a great, great idea combining two beautiful things that we would like to do in the near future, but I can't say more now.

In other news, I just sent the application to become a Stampin Up demonstrator. I am hoping to be an active one, but not sure how it will work out. If you would be interested in attending or hosting Stampin Up parties, over the web or in real life, let me know! Email me to the address that appears on the profile section of this blog.

And last but not least, some good news on another front, Craftwork Cards. More on that later on.
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Momiji said...

yes, caught a glimpse of you on qvc before you disappeared!!
it was a great crafting day and lots to see..
love the snowflake card ...understated and beautiful...

Fab said...

Hi Paula,

I've noticed how you ducked quickly as the camera was going back to you ! And I do appreciate all the hard work done behind the scenes creating samples using all most of the kits in the same hour adding also a card that Dawn can demonstrate in the hour.

I'm pleased you've joined SU, their stamps are lovely ! Good luck with have two customers already Dawn and Leonie ! LOL

I always take time to read your blog, I enjoy reading about your experiences.

Fiona said...

Lovely card - I've never watched QVC! I've also just become a SU demonstrator - let's hope it takes off over here as much as in the States.

Dawn Wheeler said...

You are so lucky to work with dawn ,you are very talented ,Dawnx

Anam_Kihaku said...

you will make an awsesome stampin up demonstrator!!

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