Tuesday, 24 June 2008

After a working weekend

As I mentioned in the last post, I spent last weekend teaching in Dawn Bibby's Studio. I loved the experience, as it was the first time I was teaching there.

This is the mini album we did on the Friday.

On Sunday, Kirsty Wiseman and Esther came to visit Dawn, so I finally met Kirsty. I have been in love with her absolutely fabulous photos for a long while so to meet her in person was really nice. She is exactly as I thought she would be from reading her blog which was nice.


Dawn Wheeler said...

wow so many inspiring people all togeather in one place ,
i will keep poping back to see your mini album , i bet it is gorgeous ,xxxDawnxx

Momiji said...

lovely design of mini album and I love the papers and muted colours...been working myself on a much smaller scale today( mini book of haiku ..one and a half inches square!)

InkyArtitude said...

Love the mini album Paula, beautiful papers too. Sounds like you had a great weekend at Topaz!

Dawn Wheeler said...

Very stylish ,beautiful design and colours ,Dawnxx
well worth waiting for xxx

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