Friday, 13 June 2008

The Glitter Pot Tomorrow

Tomorrow, I will be demonstrating the NEW release for the Cuttlebug which includes the loveliest embossing folders and combo sets at the Glitter Pot. If you love the system, you will love the new additions. To be honest, I didn't expect them expect them until July, so it is a great surprise. So, from 10:00 till 4:00, there are going to be five free demos by Jane Gill, Stamping Caz, Gaynor, Kay Webb and yours truly.

And as quick recap of last week demo at the Craft Barn:

I had a fantastic time, the new owner has done a really nice job in the place and she has keept one of the nicest managers in charge, Katie. It was lovely to work for her again even though it was just two days!

Sandra Dry is the designer of the Daisy and Dan range of Kadoodle. She had lovely ideas like the one above, perfect for the little princesses.

And even though I took this photo when we were packing up after two very tiring demo days, I manage to get Jane Gill to smile and pose for a quick photo session. I love this woman, not only she is super talented but also she is such a great funny lady.

1 comment:

Dawn Wheeler said...

Realy cute card ,
sounds like you had a fabulous time wish i could have come to see you demonstraight the new things ,Dawnxx

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