Monday, 19 January 2009

No internet connection

Let me tell you that I know that it's been over ten days since the last time I posted anything in this blog, but as it happens -and it always happens all at once- when I felt well and with something to post... there is no internet connection. Well, basically either we forgot to change the credit card details -the old one expired- or the company has gone bust. Either way, it meant a weekend so far of no internet, which is actually a good thing.
But, as of today Monday, there is still no broadband in my house, so forget uploading any images into the blog. All I can say to you is: thanks for being understanding as I need to be - yes, Julie, I am talking to you!

1 comment:

Fab said...

Me thinks someone needs to get a prepay vodafone dongle as a back up ! wink LOL Sorry about the lack of internet I know it's frustating...I couldn't last a minute without it. X Fab

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