Saturday, 26 April 2014

Chocolate Quente 2014! Part 3 of 3

And on the last day in Portugal, Patricia Villa Boas (the organiser of Chocolate Quente the scrap event I taught at) took me to Guimaraes. A very pretty town with loads of charms including delicious food and old handicrafts.

We were lucky to have a beautiful day. Sun shining and warm temperatures, perfect for lunch al fresco in one of Guimaraes squares.

I loved the cobbled streets. 

And sweet streets and signs. Clever discreet advertising of the local surgery on the left photo.

Have I mentioned I love Portuguese food? Very similar to Spanish, equally as good or even better!

It also has a castle, and a palace...

I miss already Portugal...

PS: I thought I would share some of the goodies I brought back with me. Loads of Teresa Collins products. Her lines carry some of the best embellishments!

And two handmade presents. On the right a present from one of the ladies that attended the workshops at Chocolate Quente. On the right, a little pressie typical of Portugal.

This trip was very special and once again made me realise how fortunate I am to do the job I do. To everyone who comes to my workshops, buys my dies and stamps, who visits this blog... I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You make all this possible and give me so much, I really hope that I inspire you to keep crafting!

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