Wednesday, 12 September 2007

A RAK for Charity

I am not sure if this has been done before, but I thought that since I have sooo much craft stuff that I would send some to anyone who wants it. I really don't want anything in return for myself but it would great if the person who receives it gives the postage money to her choice of charity. This way we can all raise some money for charity.

So the first RAK (Random Act of Kindness) is this four coffee tins with lids in different sizes and shapes like the ones that you see on the right, on the left two finished ones that I use for my pens, brushes... so you have an idea of they can look once altered.
And, I must say that I have quite a few sets of those ones, so there is plenty for a few of you.
If you fancy to participate send me an email.
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1 comment:

simplyfairies said...

What a fab idea Paula...

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