Monday, 2 March 2009

Finding photos

Finding things is an art that should be recognized with a diploma of some sort. Really. With subjects such as How to find things in your computer folders, or How to find the missing white sock with the blue stripe. Or even how to find the will to keep enjoying your job! Just kidding, or not.
The thing that prompted me to this little rant is the fact that I have got over 13,000 pictures on my iPhoto, and although the event organizer is quite clever is either not enough clever to solve my problems or I am not clever enough to make the most of it. I never manage to find the photos of past projects that I haven't already posted.
So from now on, and also in the past, my apologies if you ever see photos that already have appeared here before.
I will leave with an image that may or may not have been shown here before.
(All products by Craftwork Cards)

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