Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Floral Tree

These November days are not good. By the time that I get round to take photos of last night card it is too dark to take daylight photos, so I end up with bad photos like the one above. Granted the card is not my best one -nor my worst one either- but still the photo does not justice to the card.
I use Dawn Petler's idea of decoupaging with circles some of the flowers of the tree but then I decoupage properly the larger ones.

I may follow my friend Fabrizio's advice and get myself a light tent, but I kind of know that I will buy it and then not use it enough. What I need to try is to experiments with the daylight bulbs that I have.


Rukhshana said...

Paula, I've seen people make light tents out of white pop-up laundry bags from IKEA. If you do a search you might find instructions.arqdpfor

Paula Pascual said...

Thanks. I will try, sounds like a great idea!

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