Friday, 4 December 2009

More Eskimo Kisses

Every year when December arrives, I start to panic. You see, I do think the Holidays Season is more about the preparation than the actual holidays. As a culture we have lost the meaning of Christmas, everything is now about shopping, food, parties and decorations, nothing wrong with that but it puts a lot of pressure on having a good time, getting the right present - for others as well for ourselves - it all means that disappointment is a sure thing.

But, if there is something about the Holidays that I like -apart from the true meaning- is the cards. I love making Christmas Cards in batches, although I do start making them a bit late, I usually manage to make them all and send in time.

This year, I am loving Eskimo Kisses, so if you are on my Christmas Cards list, you will probably get some.


Lucretia said...

Gorgeous. Wish I had that paper too...

Momiji said...

just love this design..the eskimo kisses is very appealing..

Anam_Kihaku said...

paula - i think your '' email's been hacked. i've had a very weird email from it - please drop me a line from your other email addy. anam

Kim Dellow said...

Hi Paula,
I was going to say the same things as Anam - I received a very strange email reporting to be from you from your gmail account this morning. Hope eveything is ok. Kim

Momiji said...

Paula..I have also had a similar strange email from your gmail account. I do hope its ok..

Anonymous said...

Me too Paula,

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