Tuesday, 24 August 2010

For the last spread on the front of the mini album I used an old foldin pop up -actually pop down- technique but added my own twist by punching round the edge with one set of Martha Stewart's Punch around the Page, the ones that I posted a few posts bellow.

And this is the back of the album. All in all, I was quite pleased with it. I know it's not perfect and could do with some improvements, but the main thing was to incorporate several techniques and elements so that the ladies who attended the calss would go home with different ideas.


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic project Paula, I wish I could have been at the class. Thank you for sharing.

cathinka said...

gosh, Paula-
how great is this- and something for your cousin to be proud of; you are so creative, and so generous with your ideas- Thank you.
Whilst I could never get this complex or be able to make it, it is so good to see what your workshops are about.
No wonder you need time off between your works of art!
keep well,

nikkib said...

I love this album, what a fantastic keepsake.....

Momiji said...

loving this mini and the lovely fold outs in particular( with loving origami I would like them!)

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