Saturday, 6 March 2010

Mini Albums and Comments

This a 6" x 6" mini album that I made for Stitches using some papers from Origins, Basic Grey.

As Omar looooooves green so as soon as I had the idea of making a Origins mini album I decided making one with my favorite photos of him.

I only wrote a few lines because it was my intention to write quite a lot of stuff that I did not want to display for anyone to see.

This is the back of the book much less decorated, but still has got plenty of decorative elements. The journaling spots are from the Origins Writers Block set, as well as Pieces and Take Note, the very large one featured bellow.

I know this blog has got readers, quite a few actually according to the only measuring method I trust Google Analytics. Yet, I get very few comments. Maybe is my fault because I am not inviting enough, but please, leave comments!!!


Anonymous said...

Truly lovely minibook x

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula
I look at your blog at least once a day. I don't leave comments because I don't know how to! I love all your work and the mini albums are wonderful. I am looking forward to your mini albums workshops later this month. See you soon. I need to learn "pop ups" and hidden journalling. See you soon Love Joan

Rukhshana said...

I read your blog regularly so am one of the guilty ones. Sorry but I find if I comment then I have less time to read blogs. I do comment if there's something special but usually I don't. BTW I love your new stamps & am waiting to get my hands on them. Congratulations on some really useful stamps that every cardmaker will need in their stash.

Anonymous said...

I thought you did really well on your slots on the recent Craft Day. You were so confident.I am so pleased you have got some of your own designs on Q.V.C. Your Spanish accent is enchanting, and I like that you are exactly the same on T.V. as you are in person....a lovely genuine and excellent demonstrator and teacher.
Love Joan

Momiji said...

I love the colours in this mini album.
and its great that you did a tutorial on the punches as I am not able to get to your workshops and its the next best thing! hope you do some more...
not been around as much as I am hopefully moving soon...mmmm..very stressful!

D said...

This mini album is just adorable, and inspires me want to have a go too! You really are one of the best papercraft designers in this country.

Boo said...

Whoops Paula, I'm guilty of not leaving comments either. Will do in future. Love the greens in this mini book and that's one good looking feller you have there! Don't tell him I said so though - it'll go to his head lol! Boo :D

Anonymous said...

I visit you Blog at least once a week & love what you do - (this mini book being one of the many inspirations you give me to 'have a go'). I don't leave comments as much as I should cos there are only so many times & can write.....Wonderful....Superb....
They are the only words I can think of most of the time when I see what you've done....Mgt.

Anonymous said...

lovely and looks so perfect. wish i could do something like this too...

Vince B said...

What a wonderful tribute to the one you love, and what a unique and beautiful gift.
Vince X

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