Thursday, 25 January 2007

So small

There it is, my little creative studio. It's really little, as you can imagine by the chair, too little for a person who can not bear to throw anything away, and you will think now, don't we all? Yep, but no. I am really a horder, I keep cardboard boxes (empty most of them) because "You never know". Most times they are really sitting there for a long, long time before I either I use them or even think of a future use.

The good news is that, as I informed in a previous post, I am moving to the dining room. It makes sense, I not only spend my days in the studio, but I make my living there too, it's just normal to have the second best room in the house!
I am not even going to attempt to explain where I got this or that or even what I got in there. If i did I wouldn't be able to leave the keyboard for a week.

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