Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Behind the scenes: Craft Day at QVC

Yes I know it is almost a week later but I said I would upload some snaps I took last Thursday at QVC during the Craft Day. Well, bare in mind that I took them with my mobile phone.
Here on the left you have Dawn Bibby with Simon, the presenter for that hour. All the presenters I met were quite nice, not that I talked with them long. I was going to crop the photo, but then I thought it would be more interesting to see the things that are not on the tv frame. The studios are very well ventilated and fairly cold, but then when the lights go on the temperature goes up quickly.

This is Leonie, Dawn's Assistant. She is the sweetest, friendliest person you can ever meet. Everybody loves her and I am no different.

And this is the gourgeous Carley, funny, friendy and feel good crafter. She certainly makes you feel light and happy. Carley helps Leonie on her QVC shows as well as assist Dawn as well.

This photos were taken on a separate room where we make the cards and stuff that will go on the show. We laugh, drink and craft in equal messure!

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