Sunday, 11 July 2010


The fact that I don't post enough cards that feature the Cricut is by not an indication of how much I appreciate the machine. I actually adore it, but I am usually very busy doing cards for classes and demos that I don't usually have the time or space on my table to get the Cricut out -I use mostly the Expressions. But when I do, I have such fun time.

One of the little details I like is to cut three times the same element and then space it using foam pads. That will give a different effect, more like a decoupage sticker.

The cartridge I used is Going Places.

1 comment:

Mishelflos Paper Creations said...

Thats a good idea Paula, so simple! Looks really good, must try that for something different. Havent got a Cricut, but could use that with other wording to make it look just that bit different:) Thankyou!!

I know you wouldnt be interested, but some of your followers might be? I am having a crafty Give Away on my Blog as a Blog Warming gift. Have only been blogging for a couple months.

Looks like a Penalty Shoot Out on the Football!!
Michelle x

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