The first version I put up had a tutorial step by step section which hosted the tutorials that I had done in this blog about my stamps. Then I decided that I, as a browser, found much more efficient to have each tutorial in each stamp page, so I did.
Wasabi was extra sweet yesterday so I decided I would make in a little page so I can keep his best photos there.
Also, although this week I may be paying more attention to the website than the blog, rest assured that I intend to keep updating the blog as I have for last couple of years, almost daily. It will be still the best way to keep up with new updates about stamps and workshops.
So, bear with me while I sort the rest of small/big issues from the website.
exciting new things for you :)
Well done :)
Hi Paula,
Are you going to put a link to your website at the top of your blog?
If it is there already, I apologise, I couldnt see it, but I am shattered, so I may have missed it.
The tutorial on the page is a really great idea!!
When you are looking at alot of new things, sometimes you forget what you want to look at in a seperate Tutorial Tab - hope that makes sense?
Michelle x
Hi Paula just had a browse of the website its fab, love the gallery and ideas. Great job
Elaine x
Sounds exciting but a lot of work ahead Paula. Great idea to keep the tutorials in one place. Looking forward to seeing it. :D
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